Ive only heard about Myst and never played. Only because by the time of its release I was still at a young age of 11 yrs old and games such as this was never in my radar. I was only able to grasp platform games such as Mario and fighting games such as street fighter II back on the SNES golden days. Then evolved to shooters like golden eye on N64.
But I digress...
Now at the age of 30 and my taste in games have evolved (namely puzzle adventures such as this, Ghost Trick, The Room I & II for iOS as my current all time favorites), Im extremely glad I came upon this old gem.
The mysterious adventure that Myst throws you into is one of a kind. The puzzles were an absolute pleasure to try and solve as I wandered around the islands and traveled to different Ages.
I really tried my hardest to not use any type of guide but unfortunate to say I did use it only once. And that was at the Selenentic Age trying to navigate the tunnels.
I love puzzles and especially if its accompanied with a story line. So, if you really enjoy solving puzzles of any kind you should definitely download this. It was worth every penny.
i<3lumpia about Myst (Legacy) for Mobile, v1.3.10